Thank you Chattanooga!

Wow, what a wonderful event! The Scenic City Art Car Weekend celebrated our city's creative side with 35 contraptions which included sixteen artists from out of town, four school entries, our own urban art bikes, and two local artists. We visited fifteen schools, organized a free public parade for Chattanooga and held our first art car ball with the sultry and mesmerizing sounds of Ashley & the X's.

Lafayette Middle School's Spanish Class wins the 2013 Scenic City Golden Gnome Award.

Mike Wooden's Spanish class at Lafayette Middle School took the Golden Gnome Award with their art car, "El Carro de Arte". In addition to an amazing trophy and bragging rights, Mike's class has a choice of a $500 award for their school or a Gnome workshop with Matt Dutton compliments of Rick City. We had so much fun and raised awareness for the importance of introducing workforce development skills through arts education.

Look for us on May 27th on the North Shore during the time trials for the US cycling event. Come take a ride on the swing bike and middle school age kids can register for our urban art bikes workshops.


US Cycling vs. Art Bikes


Chattanooga, Start Your Art Cars!!!!