2025 Programs for Youth
Urban Art Bike
Spring Break Art Bike Camp : Thanks to our friends at the Tennessee Arts Commission, We are pleased to provide a special Urban Art Bike Program for four kids over Spring Break 2025. This program is free to youth who qualify for their schools’ free and reduced lunch program. If your student qaulifies, please fill our the application below.
Students work together with three of their peers and a teacher to create a fully functioning sculpture bike in forty hours. Youth learn welding and proper tool use along with science, math, physics, engineering, design and art. After the program, the students can receive positive recognition for their work by exhibiting and participating in public community events with Art 120 throughout the year. This program is available over the summer and we are taking inquiries for a paid summer camp in 2025. This is a two week program from 10am to 3pm Monday through Friday. Students ages 11-14 are eligible and we only take four students per class. This program is carried out at the Incubator downtown in the ChattLab Makerspace located at 100 Cherokee BLVD, Suite 125. Tuition is $1200 per child. There are a few scholarships available for youth that qualify. If you have a child that may be interested, please click the learn more button so we can send you an application.
Fall Break Fashion Camp
Presented by Art 120 and the Lotus Fashion Collective (formerly Chattanooga Fashion Expo), and featuring a Renowned Chicago guest artist, Damien James.
This is a unique opportunity for youth ages 12-17 years old to learn from thought leaders who transform art and motivational messaging into fashion. Attendees will spend a week in our lab creating custom recycled and upcycled outfits to present at a curated fashion show. The fun begins October 13th and concludes on Friday the 17th. Click below to send us an email for more details.
Digital Literacy
Youth learn about photo history, photography, literacy, writing and creative techniques while exploring themes that focus on their community. Students also learn how to edit and draw
images using professional graphic design software. Students who complete the Digital Literacy program will be included in a special art exhibit, receive printouts of their work, and their writing/design journals.